Quick links

What is this?

To harness the power of public shaming and accountability, I'm publicizing my goal of body recomposition and putting money on the line. You can help me achieve my goal by participating in this project. All you need is an Ethereum wallet.

How does this work?

If I don't achieve my goal, I will be paying out a prize to all holders of the challenge NFT. If I do achieve my goal, I will not be paying anyone anything, but you will always get to keep your NFT.

What are the success/fail conditions?

The conditions are as follows:

Measurements will be recorded on my Renpho scale I bought from Amazon. My starting weight/body fat is 166.6 lbs and 15.3%. Any measurements not recorded with my Renpho scale won't count but may still be published to keep people updated.

I will be updating my measurements on this website as often as I weigh myself. I will try to do so every day. If you don't see an update for a while, feel free to bug me.

What's the prize?

Any one who participates can keep the challenge NFT and do what they want with it. In the event I fail, I will pay out 0.01 ETH (~$14 USD at the time of writing) to wallets that hold the challenge NFT. There are only 25 challenge NFTs available for mint and a maximum of one mint per address.

Sounds cool, what do I do now?

To participate, grab your challenge NFT here. It is free to mint, you only need to pay for gas. If you're new to crypto, send me a message and I'll help you get setup and send you some crypto to get started. Mints will close on midnight of Oct 10 to prevent people from buying in at the last moment.